Mgr. Andrea Dittrichová

Mgr. Andrea Dittrichová

Director, Manager

Andrea studied special pedagogy with a focus on speech therapy, deafness and specific learning disorders at the PedF MU in Brno. During her studies she already led speech therapy clubs in extracurricular activities and focused on children and families with autism spectrum disorders. After graduation, she worked as an early care counsellor and then as a kindergarten teacher. She sees great potential in children and likes to be inspired by them.

Mgr. Pavla Velinská

Mgr. Pavla Velinská

Deputy Director

Pavla grew up in a scout troop and later participated in its leadership. This experience has fundamentally influenced her in the future - she likes being in contact with nature, needs to work in a good team and likes working with children. She studied Special Education and Social Education and Free Time at Masaryk University. After her studies, she worked for an organization working with people with visual impairments for a long time, and then chance brought her to Safirka, with which she has been involved almost from the very beginning. She is a mother of three little "dragons" who have turned her perception of the world, her approach to education and upbringing upside down. Safirka is very dear to her because of her openness towards children, parents and among her colleagues.

Bc. Zuzana Nováčková

Bc. Zuzana Nováčková

Head teacher, afternoon teacher

Zuzka started working with children quite by accident, on a part-time job while studying. She spent four years in a family with seven children. Then she moved to the Mamre Diocesan Youth Centre in Osová Bítýška, where she worked with young people for two years. She began studying pre-school pedagogy at the Faculty of Education of the MU in Brno, and at the same time she started working in Safirka (first part-time), and then full-time in the class of Moles - which became very close to her heart - both the children and their parents, and it was hard to say goodbye and move to the position of director. However, she looks forward to what will be a fulfilling experience. She also takes care of the pre-school preparation or ESS (Educational Stimulation Groups). She plays keyboard, ukulele, a little mandolin and guitar, flute, and very little :) violin. She likes to explore new things, except for a few areas there is not an area that doesn't interests her. She's curious about things like what they're going to shoot in the JWST universe, where AI is going to go, who's going to come up with some interesting alternative energy source to help the planet, and so on.

Mgr. Jana Kobzová

Mgr. Jana Kobzová

Teacher in the Lizards class (Ještěrky)

Jana studied special pedagogy with a focus on speech therapy, special education of people with hearing impairment and specific learning disorders at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno. During her studies she already led speech therapy clubs, worked as a teaching assistant at a primary school and provided re-education of specific learning disorders. After graduation, she taught for several years in a speech therapy class at a kindergarten. Her two children changed her view of the world and education in many ways. 

Monika Matušová

Monika Marušová

Teacher in the Lizards class (Ještěrky)

Ever since she was a child, Monika wanted to be either a kindergarten teacher or a nurse in a children's hospital. But life prepared other experiences for her before she actually got to this profession.

During covid she started helping out in a Montessori children's group, where she fell in love with working with children. Now she is finishing her studies in Teaching for Kindergartens at Masaryk University in Brno. 

She adopted a female dog from the shelter, she likes sports and fun.

Alena Mynářová

Alena Mynářová

Teaching assistant in the Lizards class ( Ještěrky)

Alča is a mother of two children and she enjoys working with them the most. After her maternity leave she decided to change her profession and started the Teaching Assistant course in Brno.  She enjoys being a part of education in Safirka. She enjoys watching the children develop, their spontaneity, sincerity and joy.

She dedicates her free time to her family, trips and sports.

Marek Větrovský

Marek Větrovský

Teacher in the Mole class (Krtečci)

Marek loves to travel and he spent six months in Wales. He is interested in the world around him - from technology, environmental issues, Formula 1, music, sports to psychology. He first joined the nursery in 2018 and gradually the collaboration has grown to the point where he has become an afternoon teacher and a teacher in the relaxation class in 2022. This was followed by a position as a teaching assistant in the Lizards class and currently he is a teacher in the Mole class. He sees children as partners in exploring the world and his goal is for children to enjoy life and feel safe and happy in kindergarten. He tries to be creative and playful in his work. He enjoys engaging the children in activities that both develop them and entertain them.

Mgr. Barbora Vajdíková

Mgr. Barbora Vajdíková

Teacher in the Mole class (Krtečci)

Bára decided to devote her career to preschool children already in early adulthood. The study itself was aimed at children who were often neglected in the past, namely children with special educational needs. She therefore studied special pedagogy with a focus on psychotherapy at the Masaryk University in Brno. She started as a teacher's assistant and is now a teacher in the Moles class. She is constantly trying to develop both in pedagogical areas and in artistic and movement expression. She likes to pass on her love of creativity and nature to children. She perceives them as a mirror in which the world is reflected and at the same time as beings in which infinite wisdom is hidden.

Mgr. Monika Reichstäterová

Mgr. Monika Reichstäterová

Czech teacher in the Dragon class (Dráčci)

Monča studied art education and special pedagogy with a focus on speech therapy and special education of people with hearing impairment therapy at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno. During her studies, she worked as an assistant lecturer in art and ceramic events for children. She started working in Safirka right from its foundation. After five years on maternity leave, she returned to Safirka. She particularly enjoys working with children on art projects. She supports children in their own thinking about the possibilities of processing art. Working in Safirka in a great team of children and colleagues, in the beautiful environment of the Kohoutovice forests, is very inspiring and stimulating for her. She is grateful that she can be close to children, helping them, enjoy the results of working together and that thanks to them she can see the world through their eyes.

Mgr. Katarína Zimčíková

Mgr. Katarína Zimčíková

English teacher in the Dragon class (Dráčci)

Katka studied social work and social pedagogy at University of Matej Bel in Banska Bystrica. During her studies she has worked in foster care house, she was a coordinator of primary school – based drug prevention programs and also she worked at a child abuse hotline. Language studies led her to Great Britain where she lived for six years. She worked with small children all along. For the last two years, she had been a teaching assistent at the reception class of primary school inspired by the Reggio Emilia aproach. She had the privilege of being at the very beginning of kindergarten Safirka. Katka participated in the Reggio Emilia International Study group in Italy and she enthusiastically applies her knowledge in her work with children. She is a mum of two girls. 
“Help children climb their mountains, as high as possible.” Loris Malaguzzi

Lucie Fixelová, DiS.

Lucie Fixelová, DiS.

Czech teacher in the Monkey class (Opičky)

Lucie grew up among scouts in the beautiful nature of Bohemian Switzerland. After the birth of her own children, she fully realised her desire to work with children. So she started studying special education at the Higher Professional School in Litomyšl. She gained her first experience with children in a playgroup and then moved to a kindergarten. Children are an inspiration for her, carriers of energy and happiness. She likes to be drawn into any kind of play and enjoys having fun. 

Mgr. Petra Doris Rossalinni, DiS.

Mgr. Petra Doris Rossalinni, DiS.

English teacher in the Monkey class (Opičky)

Becoming a kindergarten teacher was her childhood dream. However, over the years, fate took her elsewhere. In Norway, she studied at the international high school RCUWC, graduating with a world-renowned IB diploma. Subsequently, she studied in Prague at the Anglo-American School, B.Sc. studies in the field of Politics & Society, Mgr. in the field of International Relations & Diplomacy, whereby the entire course of study was conducted exclusively in English. She has always been drawn to children and became a children's swimming instructor. She works professionally in this industry at the Fontána Children's Club in Brno, where she devotes herself to this activity in her spare time. She is also currently completing her education at the VOŠP in Litomyšl, where she studies preschool and leisure pedagogy.

Mellisa Jane Juries

Mellissa Jane Juries

Native speaker

Mellissa´s goal is to help develop and improve their foundational English language from a young age through play and conversation. She aspire to build confident young children. Mellissa is originally from South Africa and English is her native language. She started her career in Emergency Medical Services in the Procurement Department where she was a supervisor. Then, 5 years ago she moved to Brno to embark on a whole new journey. Mellissa started working for a telecommunications company, where she earned many accolades as a top performer in her department. She moved on to work for a travel agent as a Claims Specialist before finally being able to focus on her passion and long awaited opportunity to work with and teach children. There is nothing else she would rather be doing.

Bc. Lucie Bohatá

Mgr. Lucie Bohatá

Studio artist

Lucie didn't start working with young children until she was here at Safirka, but working in the studio was love at first sight. She aims to expand the children's boundaries of creativity and encourage them to think for themselves. She is studying art education and visual creation at the Faculty of Education of the Masaryk University in Brno. She is passionate about analogue photography and digital drawing, but she also likes to "get her hands on" colours as a child.

Mgr. Jitka Vavrušová

Mgr. Jitka Vavrušová

Substitute teacher

As the oldest of five siblings, Jitka grew up surrounded by children. When her own children had grown, she  fulfilled her dream and studied Teaching for Kindergarten. A child's world equals movement, creativity and variety. These words describe her too, and that is why she is a substitute teacher at Safirka

Terezie Matulová

Terezie Matulová

Substitute teacher

Terka is an experienced scout leader, she is studying Special Education at MU. She plays violin very well, she likes swimming, wall climbing and German language. 

Radka Churá

Radka Churá

English teacher for Czech classes

Radka graduated from medical school for nurses and after a short work experience in the Czech Republic, her desire to learn languages led her to Great Britain. She studied English and passed the language exam at the University of Cambidge. She began to feel comfortable in English which led to the decision to pursue work experience in her graduate field. She worked as a nurse for several years, gradually working as a health consultant. She completed her postgraduate specialist studies at King's College London. 

She enjoyed working with children while studying at nursing school, and she also worked as a nanny for a while. After the birth of her own children, she ran baby groups in London. After moving to Brno, she started English groups for Mums and babies and ran English groups in nurseries. 

What she enjoys most about working with children is how quickly they learn and how they help her see the world through children's eyes.

Tereza Hamrlová

Tereza Hamrlová

Substitute teacher (Czech and English)
Světlana Kučerová

Světlana Kučerová


Svetlana has been working at Safirka for 7 years and she enjoys working with children. She also likes trips to the nature, cycling and geocaching. However, you can also approach her for other matters such as extracting a milk tooth, repairing a pedal or a toilet, ... Svetlana has a great insight and has experienced many interesting stories. 

Eva Vitézová

Eva Vitézová


She says the children have been a great source of energy for her since she joined Safirka. In her spare time she likes to bake and try new recipes all the time. When the weather is nice, her way to relax is gardening. Eva is a great co-worker, nice to talk to and the children like to help her clean up the chairs or take away the cups. 

Mgr. Marie Comte Baltusová, Ing. Jakub Březina

Executive directors